How to become a better developer without quitting.

Learning how to code is definitely not easy. It can be scary, overwhelming, and a lot of other ugly things. It can be fun too, but only with the right mindset.

The coding world is very demanding, but the job can be so satisfying.

I have worked as a Software Developer in the past, and currently, I am joining this world again because it is my true passion. However, now with more experience in the professional world, I have consciously examined my way of learning and how I behave when things get a little more complicated. Below are my findings (and reminders) so far:

  • Don't get discouraged if things don't go well at times, you will make it.

  • Often, when I am taking too long (or what I think is too long) to solve an issue, or I am confused, I keep telling myself I am a failure. WHY? I am learning, it's ok to not know everything. DO NOT bully yourself when you are having trouble solving a problem. Not only does this stress you out and hinders your performance, but also it is not cool, be kind and compassionate to yourself, you are LEARNING.

  • When you have spent already some time trying to fix a bug but you are stuck, DO TAKE A BREAK. Go for a walk, go make yourself a cup of coffee, it HELPS.

  • Try to understand what is the best way for YOU to learn things. We are all different, it does not mean we are more or less smart, but we are all just different, and if we don't evaluate and recognize what is the best way for us to learn things we are adding an obstacle.

  • Keep notes. There is just SO much to learn, and sometimes we are trying so desperately to fix an issue we just want to find the solution and move on. Take time to take notes in the way that suits you best. It will save you time in the future.

  • Try to understand the solution, do not just copy and paste.

  • Try to read and learn new things often, otherwise, you will not grow.

  • Do not feel ashamed about not knowing something. Try to replace embarrassment with curiosity, it will take you better places.

  • Be patient with yourself. This is not a race, it is a marathon.

I hope this helps, and I will edit this post if I find new things that should be added to this list.